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              分享 經典古希臘神話故事:巨人與神
              JSL 2013-1-31 15:56
              A War of Giant and Gods 巨人與神之戰 The Greed made up stories about how.The world began, and how gods,giants and people came be. 希臘人編造了很多故事,這些故事是有關世界是怎樣形成的,神、巨人和人類怎樣出現的。 At first ,they said, the world was all mixed up. Earth fire and water were all mixed together.Then heaven and earth came to be.Heaven was a god,and earth was a goddess their children were giants.One of them,Cronus,was the ruler of time. 他們說起初整個世界都是混沌的。土地、火和水都混和在一起。然后有了天和地。天是一位男神,地是一位女神。他們的孩子就是巨人。其中一個叫克洛諾斯的,他是當時統治者。 Cronus learned from his father that one of his own sons would take away his power. This made cronus angry and afraid,so he swallowed all of his children except one .That one was little Zeus.Zeus was saved by his mother, who gave Cronus a stone dressed as a baby to swallow.She hid Zeus in a cave. 克洛諾斯從他父親那知他的一個兒子將會奪走他的權力。這使克洛諾斯又驚又怕,所以他吞下了他所有的孩子,但有一個除外。那一個孩子就是小宙斯。宙斯的媽媽用一個裝扮成嬰兒樣子的石頭代替他被吞掉了。她把宙斯藏在一個洞中。 When Zeus grew up he heard of what Cronus had done.He tricked Cronus into drinking strong liquor ,which made him cough the children up ,along with the stone dressed like Zeus! 當宙斯長大聽說了克洛諾斯所做的事情后,他騙克洛諾斯喝下了烈酒,這使得克洛諾斯把所有的孩子連同那個做成宙斯模樣的石頭一起咳了出來。 The children of Cronus were angry ,and their father was angry too.This led to a war .Cronus and most of the giants were on one side, with Zeus and most of the giants were on one side,with Zeus and his brothers and sisters and few giants on the other. 克洛諾斯的孩子們很生氣,克洛諾斯也很生氣。這導致了一場戰爭。克洛諾斯和大部分的巨人站在一邊,宙斯和他的兄弟姐妹及少數巨人站在另一邊。 Zeus and his group were on top of mount Olympus .The giants stood on a nearby peak.The fighting was fierce and noisy . Boulders,trees and lingtning bolts flew back and forth. 宙斯和他的一隊人馬在奧林匹斯山頂上。巨人們站在附近的山峰上。戰爭激烈面喧囂。巨石、樹木和閃電飛來飛去。 After ten years the biants were beaten.one giant ,named Atlas,was forced to hold up the sky .Cronus ran away. Zeus and his brothers and sisters became gods and goddesses, and controlled the world. 十年后巨人們被打敗了。其中一個叫阿特拉斯的人被迫擎著天。克洛諾斯跑掉了。宙斯和他的兄弟姐妹變成了神靈,統治著世界。
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